Frases sobre 'Law Enforcement'
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There are certain people who react well in life-threatening situations, and our military and our law enforcement and our first responders tend to be those types of folks.
Autor: Dean CainPeople , Law , React , Law Enforcement
It pains me whenever there's the death of a law enforcement official.
Autor: Eric HolderMe , Death , Law , Law Enforcement
The military is a machine of war. Not a law enforcement agency.
Autor: Hank JohnsonWar , Law , Military , Law Enforcement
I think occasionally it's the presence - or increased presence - of federal law enforcement that can cause that fear.
Autor: Kirstjen NielsenThink , Fear , Law , Law Enforcement
I think one of the biggest scams in law enforcement is the monitor.
Autor: Raymond KellyThink , I Think , Law , Law Enforcement
It's a bomb. I've already called law enforcement. Let's get out of here.
Autor: Richard JewellHere , Out , Law , Law Enforcement
When 'The Washington Post' ran the first national story about FBI profiling in 1984, no one outside of law enforcement recognized the term.
Autor: Ronald KesslerStory , Law , Post , Law Enforcement
When a law enforcement officer apprehends an illegal immigrant, it makes no sense to simply release that individual who has been breaking our laws with no threat of sanction or penalty.
Autor: Bobby JindalSense , Law , Immigrant , Law Enforcement
Thru the auspices of the viewers who become - I think this is an import - in a democracy, become a working unit with law enforcement against the criminals.
Autor: Robert StackThink , Democracy , Law , Law Enforcement