Frases sobre 'Launch'

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Astronauts are very professional and when they're preparing for launch, they prepare for it as the most serious endeavor of our lives.

Autor: Ellen Ochoa
  Serious , Space , Professional , Launch

What I intend to do is to launch a batting academy. I have been a batsman throughout my life, and I can't open a bowling academy after all!

Autor: Inzamam-ul-Haq
  Life , My Life , Open , Launch

It is important to launch a mass and society-wide struggle to drastically increase the production of consumer goods.

Autor: Kim Jong-un
  Important , Struggle , Launch , Consumer

It is a challenge to have your launch date slip continuously.

Autor: Marc Garneau
  Your , Challenge , Launch , Date

I co-managed AOC's campaign alongside Vigie Ramos Rios and also was the one that managed the launch of her initial campaign in 2017.

Autor: Saikat Chakrabarti
  Also , Her , Launch , Campaign

When I was 25, I had risked everything to launch Justin Bieber and was a couple months away from losing everything.

Autor: Scooter Braun
  Everything , Losing , Away , Launch

It costs about as much to launch an app as it does to make and launch a satellite.

Autor: Sunil Nagaraj
  About , Make , Launch , App

Whatever initiatives we launch, we must always put the interests of Singaporeans and Singapore first.

Autor: Tony Tan
  Always , Whatever , Launch , Singapore

At the same time, the Reagan Administration assured that the main elements of policymaking were in the hands of competent loyalists, thus assuring a successful launch and a highly successful first year.

Autor: Richard V. Allen
  Time , Hands , Launch , Year

It's like this: The time between having an idea and its public launch is measured in days not months, weeks not years.

Autor: Tim Bray
  Time , Like , Days , Launch

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