Frases sobre 'Laptop'
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I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher.
Autor: A. N. WilsonPolitics , Teacher , Massage , Laptop
Tablets are more intuitive than a PC or laptop. They also have more real estate than a smartphone.
Autor: Aneel BhusriMore , Laptop , Real , Real Estate
The laptop computer is a workhorse. The tablet is just a display.
Autor: Barry LamJust , Laptop , Computer , Display
I do school online. My favorite thing to do with school is to finish things and then watch it go away, especially when I am working on a laptop.
Autor: Grace VanderWaalI Am , Go , School , Laptop
I can write absolutely anywhere. All I need is a laptop.
Autor: Joanne HarrisNeed , I Can , Write , Laptop
I don't think I'm unusual in preferring my laptop to be thin and light.
Autor: Linus TorvaldsThink , Laptop , Light , Thin
The laptop brings back a more seamless kind of learning.
Autor: Nicholas NegroponteMore , Back , Laptop , Learning
A young musician needs a powerful laptop and a good analogue synthesiser.
Autor: Ryuichi SakamotoGood , Laptop , Powerful , Young
I bought a laptop in 1999, and it was quite liberating, because I could make a lot of my own decisions.
Autor: BjorkOwn , My Own , Laptop , Decisions
I'm a bit of a Luddite, really: I don't use email much, as I started drowning in it. So I said 'screw this' and dumped my laptop, though I've begun to re-engage with it.
Autor: Charles HazlewoodLaptop , Said , Email , Started