Frases sobre 'Jerusalem'

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Jewish and Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem are interlaced one with the other.

Autor: Reuven Rivlin
  Jerusalem , Jewish , Other , Neighborhoods

Jerusalem doesn't belong only to Israelis and Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, but to the world.

Autor: A. B. Yehoshua
  World , Only , Belong , Jerusalem

Jerusalem is united, will never be divided again.

Autor: Yitzhak Rabin
  Never , Will , Jerusalem , Again

Construction in Jerusalem cannot be halted.

Autor: Eli Yishai
  Jerusalem , Cannot , Construction

The Old City of Jerusalem is in our hands.

Autor: Moshé Dayán - Militar y político israelí.
  Jerusalem , Old , Hands , City

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?

Autor: Tertullian
  Jerusalem , Athens

That can be achieved by termination of Israeli occupation to the territories according to the international resolutions related, so the Palestinian State can be establish with Jerusalem as capital for such State.

Autor: Ali Abdullah Saleh
  Jerusalem , State , International , Related

Put an end to talk on dividing Jerusalem. There can be no negotiations about Jerusalem.

Autor: Eli Yishai
  About , Jerusalem , End , Talk

Our eternal capital Jerusalem was and remains our top national priority.

Autor: Moshe Kahlon
  Jerusalem , Top , Our , Eternal

We differ on several issues. And this may include settlement, the release of prisoners, the wall closing institutions in Jerusalem.

Autor: Mahmoud Abbas
  Jerusalem , May , Closing , Release

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