Frases sobre 'Islam'

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I've always maintained there is no incompatibility between Islam and democracy. The Europeans in general confuse Islam and Islamism. Islamism is a political movement that instrumentalises the religion to get to power, which has nothing to do with religion. Islam here in Tunisia is a religion of openness, of tolerance.

Autor: Beji Caid Essebsi
  Democracy , Power , Islam , Religion

The fact of simultaneously being Christian and having as my mother tongue Arabic, the holy language of Islam, is one of the basic paradoxes that have shaped my identity.

Autor: Amin Maalouf
  Identity , Language , Mother , Islam

A hedonistic lifestyle contrary to all the rules and expectations of Islam is not an unusual precursor to radicalisation: in fact, some young radicals see joining in the jihad as a way of achieving redemption for past sins.

Autor: Deeyah Khan
  Past , Way , Islam , Lifestyle

Islam is in principle egalitarian, and has always had problems with power.

Autor: Mary Douglas
  Always , Problems , Power , Islam

We represent the moderate teachings and principles of Islam.

Autor: Mohammad bin Salman
  Principles , Islam , Represent , Moderate

Respecting other people's cultures is well and good, but I draw the line at where some branches of Islam, what they do to women. It's indefensible.

Autor: Jello Biafra
  People , Good , Women , Islam

We must not be afraid to define our enemy. It is Islamic extremist terrorism. I did not say all of Islam. I said Islamic extremist terrorism. Failing to identify them properly maligns decent Muslims around the world. It also sets up a fear of being politically incorrect that can have serious consequences. And it has.

Autor: Rudy Giuliani
  World , Fear , Islam , Terrorism

I think Muslims have become the new Negroes in America. They are being mistreated at airports, by the Immigration - everywhere. Islam is a religion of peace. They are wrong.

Autor: Jermaine Jackson
  America , Peace , Islam , Religion

Having embraced Islam, I felt as if I were born again. I found in Islam the answers to those queries which I had failed to find in Christianity.

Autor: Jermaine Jackson
  Find , Answers , Islam , Born

The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist terrorism, by Bin Ladin and others who draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance within a minority strain of Islam that does not distinguish politics from religion, and distorts both.

Autor: John Cornyn
  Politics , Tradition , Islam , Religion

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