Frases sobre 'Information'

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The Internet is really about highly specialized information, highly specialized targeting.

Autor: Eric Schmidt - Poeta y dramaturgo alemán
  Internet , Really , About , Information

When I saw 'Hamilton,' there was so much information so fast, I had to keep up with it. I find that quality in art exhilarating.

Autor: Justin Peck
  Find , Art , Information , Quality

I thought we were to discuss a referral which we believe contains substantial and credible information of potential impeachable offenses by the President of the United States.

Autor: Ken Starr
  Potential , Thought , Believe , Information

I want every Filipino woman empowered with information regarding all options available to her regarding family planning.

Autor: Lea Salonga
  Family , Want , Woman , Information

Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.

Autor: Leo Burnett
  Mind , Good , Information , Advertising

The most useful information on CNN is when Anthony Bourdain tells me where to eat noodles.

Autor: Michelle Wolf
  Me , Eat , Information , Noodles

I was convinced that the trading frequency measured a fundamental heartbeat of financial markets. Clearly it reflected the flow of information. It turns out also to be closely related to measures of liquidity.

Autor: Robert F. Engle
  Information , Financial , Flow , Heartbeat

Dustin Hoffman was the greatest. He had so much information to give and he mesmerized me. He really feels for actors who are just starting out and remembers his early days like they were yesterday.

Autor: Amy Weber
  Me , Like , Information , Yesterday

The idea that information can be stored in a changing world without an overwhelming depreciation of its value is false. It is scarcely less false than the more plausible claim that after a war we may take our existing weapons, fill their barrels with information.

Autor: Norbert Wiener - Matemático estadounidense que estableció la cienci
  World , Value , War , Information

Most movie-goers are overdosing on star coverage; it's the ultimate example of too much information.

Autor: Peter Bart
  Example , Too Much , Information , Star

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