Frases sobre 'Inequality'

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Increasing inequality in income distribution in this country has broader policy implications, and there is also the growing problem of perverse incentives that result from executives receiving grossly disproportionate compensation based on decisions they themselves take.

Autor: Barney Frank
  Result , Country , Problem , Inequality

The equality among all members of the League, which is provided in the statutes giving each state only one vote, cannot of course abolish the actual material inequality of the powers concerned.

Autor: Hjalmar Branting
  Equality , Vote , Giving , Inequality

Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run.

Autor: James Heckman
  Long , Short , Children , Inequality

There is a lot of inequality in Colombia. We have to correct that.

Autor: Juan Manuel Santos
  Lot , Inequality , Correct , Colombia

I realize that 'hire qualified women!' is the sort of outraged demand that's often met with a sigh. No one disagrees, and yet gender inequality in high-paying positions extends into all professions.

Autor: Nell Scovell
  Women , Realize , Gender , Inequality

A visionary leadership is required to harness rapid technological change for positive benefit rather than allowing to become disruptive and further exacerbate economic inequality.

Autor: Piyush Goyal
  Change , Positive , Leadership , Inequality

The inequality between CEO compensation and the compensation received by workers and stockholders has grown to such an extent that it endangers our economy and and our society.

Autor: Danny K. Davis
  Society , Economy , Inequality , Workers

Half the U.S. population owns barely 2 percent of its wealth, putting the United States near Rwanda and Uganda and below such nations as pre-Arab Spring Tunisia and Egypt when measured by degrees of income inequality.

Autor: Eric Alterman
  Spring , Egypt , Wealth , Inequality

I think it's a very central tenet to it yes, it is. I can't bear it, I can't bear inequality, I can't bear bad behaviour to other people. I cannot bear it that people are mean to people who can't help what they are.

Autor: Janet Suzman
  People , Think , Bad , Inequality

Eye-popping tales of growing income inequality are hardly new. By now, nearly every American must be painfully aware of the widening pay gap between top executives and shop floor laborers; between 'Master of the Universe' financiers and pretty much everyone else.

Autor: Steven Rattner
  New , American , Universe , Inequality

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