Frases sobre 'Immortality'

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I expect my immortality will last about six seconds after my funeral.

Autor: Donald Hall
  Will , Expect , Last , Immortality

Immortality is not a gift, Immortality is an achievement; And only those who strive mightily Shall possess it.

Autor: Edgar Lee Masters
  Gift , Achievement , Strive , Immortality

I believe in the immortality of all creatures.

Autor: Egon Schiele
  Believe , I Believe , Immortality

One has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive.

Autor: Friedrich Nietzsche - Filosofo alemán.
  Alive , Pay , Die , Immortality

Religiously the Empire was pluralistic and marked by a search for a faith which would be satisfying intellectually and ethically and would give assurance of immortality.

Autor: Kenneth Scott Latourette
  Search , Faith , Immortality , Empire

I would like immortality.

Autor: Len Wein - Filósofa y activista política francesa.
  Like , Would , Immortality

Physical immortality is seductive. The ancient Hindus sought it; the Greek physician Galen from the 2nd Century A.D. and the Arabic philosopher/physician Avicenna from the 11th Century A.D. believed in it.

Autor: S. Jay Olshansky
  Physician , Immortality , Seductive , Greek

The first requisite for immortality is death.

Autor: Stanislaw Jerzy Lec - Escritor polaco.
  First , Death , Immortality , Requisite

Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.

Autor: Emily Dickinson - Poetisa estadounidense.
  Me , Stop , Death , Immortality

I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality.

Autor: James Joyce - Escritor irlandés.
  Will , Way , Busy , Immortality

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