Frases sobre 'Hong Kong'
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Part of the Hong Kong style is the fact that a lot of the performers can perform the moves, and we don't over-rehearse this stuff.
Autor: Daniel WuPart , Style , Hong Kong , Fact
I think all the filmmakers in Hong Kong are influenced by John Woo.
Autor: Alan MakThink , I Think , Hong Kong , Influenced
I may have done an every-night gig in Hong Kong because I was there for almost 16 years, and in Manila, Philippines, I did gigs there.
Autor: Arnel PinedaYears , Done , Hong Kong , Philippines
Hong Kong movies were really popular in my generation.
Autor: Gong YooMovies , Generation , Were , Hong Kong
When I lived in Hong Kong, I felt that Hong Kong is my family.
Autor: Jet LiFamily , Lived , Hong Kong , Felt
I hope Hong Kong and Asia wants to hire American Asian actresses as much as Hollywood has been hiring Chinese actors from Asia.
Autor: Ming-Na WenAmerican , Hope , Hollywood , Hong Kong
Hong Kong has created one of the most successful societies on Earth.
Autor: Prince CharlesSuccessful , Most , Earth , Hong Kong
I am the first female chief executive of Hong Kong.
Autor: Carrie LamI Am , First , Hong Kong , Chief
Travel is the most private of pleasures. There is no greater bore than the travel bore. We do not in the least want to hear what he has seen in Hong Kong.
Autor: Vita Sackville-WestWant , Seen , Travel , Hong Kong