Frases sobre 'Heroism'
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I have decorated soldiers for heroism before, and it was always such an honor to do it.
Autor: Jack KeaneHonor , Always , Soldiers , Heroism
When you have to spread heroism across too many players, you don't get to really dig deep into each of them as much as you'd want to.
Autor: Julie PlecYou , Want , Deep , Heroism
A lot of people want to see this idealized version of heroism, all pretty and perfect, and I'm not interested in playing the goody-goody hero at all.
Autor: Matthew FoxSee , People , Hero , Heroism
The greatest height of heroism to which an individual, like a people, can attain is to know how to face ridicule.
Autor: Miguel de Unamuno - Filósofo y escritor español.People , Know , Face , Heroism
I don't believe in war as a solution to any kind of conflict, nor do I believe in heroism on the battlefield because I have never seen any.
Autor: Thor HeyerdahlConflict , War , Believe , Heroism
Extreme heroism springs from something that no scientific theory can fully explain; it's an illogical impulse that flies in the face of biology, psychology, actuarial statistics, and basic common sense.
Autor: Christopher McDougallFace , Biology , Heroism , Statistics
There is an electric fire in human nature tending to purify - so that among these human creatures there is continually some birth of new heroism. The pity is that we must wonder at it, as we should at finding a pearl in rubbish.
Autor: John Keats - Poeta ingles.New , Nature , Fire , Heroism
The poetry of heroism appeals irresistibly to those who don't go to a war, and even more to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy. It's always so.
Autor: Louis-Ferdinand CelineAlways , Poetry , War , Heroism