Frases sobre 'Helpless'
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Orangutan babies are like human babies: helpless.
Autor: Willie SmitsLike , Human , Helpless , Babies
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.
Autor: B. F. SkinnerSociety , Early , Individual , Helpless
I want to help the helpless, but I don't want to help the clueless.
Autor: Dennis MillerHelp , Want , Helpless , Clueless
The bold are helpless without cleverness.
Autor: Eurípides - Poeta trágico griego.Without , Bold , Helpless , Cleverness
Jews are not part of a European ruling class imposed on helpless natives, but are caught up in a tragedy in which two peoples are struggling for the same piece of land.
Autor: Jack SchwartzTwo , Tragedy , Class , Helpless
If there's something I hate the most, it's feeling helpless, powerless.
Autor: Jillian MichaelsSomething , Feeling , Hate , Helpless
Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood.
Autor: Lionel TrillingOthers , Make , Misunderstanding , Helpless
Americans have the right to choose to be unarmed and helpless. Be my guest.
Autor: Ted NugentRight , Choose , Guest , Helpless
The absent are like children, helpless to defend themselves.
Autor: Charles Reade - Escritor inglés.Children , Like , Themselves , Helpless
Being by the nature of my upbringing, all my energies having been directed to one channel of activity, crippled from other activities and made helpless even to live.
Autor: Isaac RosenbergBeing , Live , Nature , Helpless