Frases sobre 'Guitarist'
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I trained as a classical guitarist but that was it.
Autor: Colin GreenwoodTrained , Classical , Guitarist
I'm not a great guitarist, and I'm not a great singer.
Autor: Daniel LevitinGreat , Singer , Guitarist
I was not a great guitarist, so I sold my 1960 Fender Stratocaster in exchange for a Shure Microphone, made in Chicago, and a flute.
Autor: Ian AndersonGreat , Made , Chicago , Guitarist
Certainly, as a guitarist, I was aware of descending chromatic lines and arpeggios long before 1968.
Autor: Jimmy PageLong , Lines , Before , Guitarist
I've been invited to do a trio with a fantastic jazz guitarist and a harmonica player.
Autor: Karen BlackJazz , Fantastic , Trio , Guitarist
I don't see myself as such an important guitarist.
Autor: Ritchie BlackmoreMyself , See , Important , Guitarist
I'm more of a strumming guitarist, instead of a lead soloist guitarist.
Autor: Stark SandsMore , Lead , Instead , Guitarist
If I could sing, I wouldn't be a guitarist.
Autor: Robin TrowerSing , Could , If I Could , Guitarist