Frases sobre 'Fake'

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In Germany, a country that for obvious reasons is far more attuned than most to the dangers of demagogy, populism, and nationalism, lawmakers have already proposed taking legal measures against fake news. When populist, nationalist fake news threatens the liberal democratic center, other Europeans may follow suit.

Autor: Toomas Hendrik Ilves
  News , Country , Legal , Fake

All of us technology companies need to create some tools that help diminish the volume of fake news. We must try to squeeze this without stepping on freedom of speech and of the press, but we must also help the reader.

Autor: Tim Cook
  Freedom , News , Technology , Fake

To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness.

Autor: Arthur Herzog
  Over , Stand , Fake , Emptiness

I live in Los Angeles, which is the youngest place - there's no history to Los Angeles. Everything's fake.

Autor: Ben Feldman
  Live , History , Place , Fake

It became the joke of the neighbourhood. If the umpire ruled me out on a bad call, I'd take the fake eye out and hand it to him.

Autor: Peter Falk
  Me , Bad , Eye , Fake

I can't help but laugh at all of you writing fake stories about me. I was not in any hit and runs. I don't drink so the DUI is false.

Autor: Amanda Bynes
  You , Me , Laugh , Fake

Architects have created this fake separation between creation and execution. You can see it in architecture schools, where the students look down on going to contracts classes.

Autor: Joshua Prince-Ramus
  You , Look , Architecture , Fake

Manny Pacquiao always makes a fake move that I know too well. He fakes a charge forward and then looks like he is going to follow with a one-two. That's a common fake he has.

Autor: Juan Manuel Marquez
  Always , Know , Looks , Fake

I think only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian.

Autor: Shiva Ayyadurai
  Think , Real , Defeat , Fake

A little girl thought I was mean like my character on 'Zoey,' and I convinced her that 'Logan' is just a fake character and I am really a nice guy.

Autor: Matthew Underwood
  I Am , Character , Girl , Fake

Websites don't have to be complicated