Frases sobre 'Exists'
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For me, 'educator' is the highest title that exists.
Autor: Eliyahu GoldrattMe , Title , Exists , Highest
Truth exists; only lies are invented.
Autor: Georges Braque - Pintor francés.Only , Truth , Exists , Lies
Society exists for the benefit of its members, not the members for the benefit of society.
Autor: Herbert Spencer - Escritor británico.Society , Benefit , Exists , Members
A government is not legitimate merely because it exists.
Autor: Jeane KirkpatrickBecause , Government , Exists , Legitimate
I think that reality exists and that it's knowable.
Autor: Jimmy WalesThink , I Think , Reality , Exists
If God exists, what objection can he have to saying so?
Autor: Lemuel K. WashburnHe , God , Saying , Exists
No experience exists unless it's a shared one.
Autor: Alexa ChungExperience , Unless , Exists , Shared
The philosopher proves that the philosopher exists. The poet merely enjoys existence.
Autor: Wallace Stevens - Poeta estadounidense.Poet , Existence , Exists , Philosopher