Frases sobre 'Embarrassment'

Advertencia: Recopilamos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. No nos hacemos responsables de ningún contenido o información incorrecta o poco precisa relacionada con las frases que recopilamos en nuestra web. Frases famosas, proverbios, frases cortas, frases de niños. Frases de amistad, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivación, reflexión, superación, vida y mucho más. Nuestro único objetivo es ofrecerte estas frases como inspiración para que puedas hacer dedicatorias únicas, expresar tus pensamientos y emociones o compartir en tus redes sociales. Disfruta de nuestro contenido.

My films are about embarrassment.

Autor: Alan Bennett
  About , Films , Embarrassment

In all honesty, titles are an embarrassment to me.

Autor: Edgar Meyer
  Me , Honesty , Titles , Embarrassment

I'm romantic to the point of embarrassment.

Autor: Jesse L. Martin
  Point , Romantic , Embarrassment

Embarrassment is where growth happens.

Autor: Jaylen Brown
  Where , Happens , Growth , Embarrassment

The land of embarrassment and breakfast.

Autor: Julian Barnes
  Land , Breakfast , Embarrassment

Embarrassment and awkward situations are not foreign things to me.

Autor: Paul Rudd
  Me , Things , Awkward , Embarrassment

The state of some of our roads is a matter of national embarrassment.

Autor: Robert Rinder
  Some , Matter , Roads , Embarrassment

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you aren't completely embarassed yet, but you glimpse tomorrow's embarrassment?

Autor: Tom Cruise
  You , Feeling , Tomorrow , Embarrassment

One person's embarrassment is another person's accountability.

Autor: Tom Price
  Person , Accountability , Embarrassment

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.

Autor: Douglas Engelbart
  He , Person , Mature , Embarrassment

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