Frases sobre 'Editing'

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The process of editing is what I enjoy most - putting the pieces together and making sense out of them.

Autor: Christian Marclay
  Process , Together , Enjoy , Editing

If you're writing a screenplay for a feature, you don't have any involvement with the casting process, the editing process, the set design, the costume design, or any of that stuff.

Autor: David Benioff
  You , Writing , Editing , Design

Any editing, software work, and mail is done in this exported Plan 9.

Autor: Dennis Ritchie
  Work , Done , Plan , Editing

I'm a big fan of editing and keeping only the interesting bits in.

Autor: Sarah Vowell
  Big , Interesting , Editing , Big Fan

I believe there's a platonic ideal for every book that is written, like there's the perfect version of the book somewhere in the ether, and my job is to find what that book is through my editing.

Autor: Sheila Heti
  Book , Job , Believe , Editing

I don't think about the reader when I'm writing, but I do when I'm editing, of course. For instance, I self-consciously didn't want to do anything to increase the divide between mothers and nonmothers - I think that divide is so horrible and destructive and unnecessary.

Autor: Sheila Heti
  Want , Think , Writing , Editing

The main thing that I learned from editing is that most people, when they're making a film, they start too early into the story. They will try to set up the characters, they will try to establish things before the plot actually starts.

Autor: Steven Zaillian
  People , Start , Story , Editing

I don't know why my lines that were cut from the film didn't make it onto the DVD. I have offered to go into the editing room with Christopher and work shoulder to shoulder with him to fit all my lines in. I think he thinks I'm kidding. I'm only trying to help.

Autor: Fred Willard
  Know , Work , Think , Editing

Filmmaking is a very complex form - ya know, acting, lighting, screenwriting, storytelling, music, editing - all these things have to come together.

Autor: Jay Duplass
  Music , Know , Together , Editing

I have an adult emotional life and an editing system inside me which prevents me from being preposterously stupid.

Autor: Stephen Hopkins
  Life , Me , Stupid , Editing

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