Frases sobre 'Economists'

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I am often considered almost not a part of the profession of Establishment economists. I am even referred to as a sociologist. And by that, economists usually do not mean anything flattering.

Autor: Gunnar Myrdal
  I Am , Anything , Mean , Economists

A lot of people are surprised economists are assisting with kidney exchanges. Exchanges are what economists are good at.

Autor: Alvin E. Roth
  People , Good , Surprised , Economists , Kidney

When better business decisions are made, economists won't make them.

Autor: Herbert V. Prochnow
  Better , Business , Decisions , Economists

Although most Americans apparently loathe inflation, Yale economists have argued that a little inflation may be necessary to grease the wheels of the labor market and enable efficiency-enhancing changes in relative pay to occur without requiring nominal wage cuts by workers.

Autor: Janet Yellen
  Without , Changes , Inflation , Economists

I don't think we should run government based on economists' predictions.

Autor: John Fleming
  Think , Run , Government , Economists

The reality is that we are all economists. We all deal with scarcity as we make choices and calculate how to ration various items and resources that we consume, produce and utilize.

Autor: Kurt Bills
  Reality , How , Choices , Economists

If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.

Autor: John Maynard Keynes - Economista inglés.
  People , Thought , Humble , Economists

The Communists were interested in getting into key positions as union officers, statisticians, economists, etc., in order to utilize the apparatus of the unions to promote the cause of revolution.

Autor: John T. Flynn
  Key , Revolution , Order , Economists

Well, you have the public not wanting any new spending, you have the Republicans not wanting any new taxes, you have the Democrats not wanting any new spending cuts, you have the markets not wanting any new borrowing, and you have the economists wanting all of the above. And that leads to paralysis.

Autor: Michael Bloomberg
  You , New , Well , Economists

Most economists use 'fixed' and 'pegged' as interchangeable or nearly interchangeable terms for exchange rates.

Autor: Steve Hanke
  Most , Use , Exchange , Economists

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