Frases sobre 'Discover'
Advertencia: Recopilamos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. No nos hacemos responsables de ningún contenido o información incorrecta o poco precisa relacionada con las frases que recopilamos en nuestra web. Frases famosas, proverbios, frases cortas, frases de niños. Frases de amistad, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivación, reflexión, superación, vida y mucho más. Nuestro único objetivo es ofrecerte estas frases como inspiración para que puedas hacer dedicatorias únicas, expresar tus pensamientos y emociones o compartir en tus redes sociales. Disfruta de nuestro contenido.
Once an ebook hits the Kindle Top 100, sales tend to snowball as new customers discover it in greater numbers.
Autor: Andrew ShafferNew , Top , Numbers , Discover
I did not discover literature of any kind until I was about eleven, or ten.
Autor: Ben PeekAbout , Literature , Kind , Discover
I only tweet if I discover something that's fantastic, or if I heard something really great.
Autor: Gayle KingSomething , Only , Great , Discover
Madam: If you discover any more comets, can you not wait until they are announced by the proper authorities?
Autor: George Phillips BondYou , More , Wait , Discover
There is a lot of history buried in Chicago that I still have yet to discover.
Autor: Jamila WoodsHistory , Still , Chicago , Discover
I didn't really discover yakuza films until about five or six years ago.
Autor: John FosterAbout , Years , Five , Discover
It is in games that many men discover their paradise.
Autor: Robert Wilson LyndMen , Games , Paradise , Discover
I really wanted to discover mummies, like Indiana Jones.
Autor: Svante PaaboReally , Like , Wanted , Discover
Astronomers are using every technique at their disposal to discover and study asteroids.
Autor: Carrie NugentEvery , Study , Technique , Discover