Frases sobre 'Diplomacy'

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There is no diplomacy like candor.

Autor: E. V. Lucas
  Like , Diplomacy , Candor

Diplomacy is really far less important than the stock movements within Russia.

Autor: Alan Greenspan
  Important , Far , Russia , Diplomacy

Diplomacy in general does not resolve conflicts. Wars end not due to peace processes, but due to one side giving up.

Autor: Daniel Pipes
  End , Peace , Giving Up , Diplomacy

English, once accepted as an international language, is no more secure than French has proved to be as the one and only accepted language of diplomacy or as Latin has proved to be as the international language of science.

Autor: Edward Sapir
  More , Science , Language , Diplomacy

Camus believed in dialogue and diplomacy, and enlisted his work as a philosopher to the need to find nonviolent solutions, whereas Sartre called for violent conflicts and justified terror.

Autor: Michel Onfray
  Work , Need , Find , Diplomacy

Diplomacy is important, extremely important, and I don't think these reductions at the State Department are appropriate because many times diplomacy is a lot more effective - and cert cheaper - than military engagement.

Autor: Mitch McConnell
  Think , Important , Military , Diplomacy

Globalization, far from putting an end to power diplomacy between States, has, on the contrary, intensified it.

Autor: Omar Bongo
  End , Power , Globalization , Diplomacy

Paradigm shifts, particularly in diplomacy and security issues, are, by definition, major undertakings.

Autor: Richard N. Haass
  Security , Issues , Diplomacy , Paradigm

I think if I had to do it over again, I'd do it the same way. I would just put more resources into getting the public diplomacy part much stronger than we were able to.

Autor: John Poindexter
  Think , Way , Diplomacy , Stronger

I believe the military should be wary of diplomacy until war is declared; then the State Department should keep its nose out and let the military do whatever is necessary to win.

Autor: Stuart Symington
  War , Believe , Win , Diplomacy

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