Frases sobre 'Dessert'

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I didn't know why dessert was invented or what function it was meant to perform. Raising livestock and the harvesting of grains are ancient activities, but when did humankind decide it also needed creme brulee?

Autor: Bill Buford
  Know , Why , Dessert , Decide

I tend to avoid cakes made with matzo meal instead of flour. Also, most prepared dessert products and mixes. Sometimes the packaging they come in tastes better than the product.

Autor: Gil Marks
  Sometimes , Better , Product , Dessert

My favorite dessert is banana pudding.

Autor: Lennon Parham
  Favorite , Dessert , Banana , Pudding

I took a cookery course. On the examination, I had to cook a cheese omelet with peas and an egg custard. With the egg custard, which was supposed to be a dessert, I forget to put the sugar in, so that's more of a quiche, isn't it?

Autor: Lesley Nicol
  Forget , Dessert , Sugar , Egg

My whole thing is simple, well-balanced meals. I have to say, though, that I really like dessert. I try not to eat dessert every day, but I'll have dessert every now and then.

Autor: Mikaela Shiffrin
  Day , Simple , Every Day , Dessert

Dessert is probably the most important stage of the meal, since it will be the last thing your guests remember before they pass out all over the table.

Autor: William Powell
  Will , Remember , Important , Dessert

With my husband, I do really appreciate the fact that we - even though we're different kinds of Asian, there is a cultural shorthand between us, and I don't have to explain anything. I've dated guys before who weren't Asian-American, and it frustrated me when I would have to defend why beans belong in a dessert.

Autor: Ali Wong
  Me , Husband , Appreciate , Dessert

I would be lying if I said I cut out all dessert. When I'm training, I try to satisfy those cravings with a slightly healthier dessert, like a piece of dark chocolate or whipped cream and strawberries. Those are two of my favorites!

Autor: Josie Loren
  Training , Dark , Dessert , Chocolate

One thing I have been banging on about, we have a dessert deficit in the U.K. We still import a very large proportion of our desserts. I would ask everyone to go out and buy a British dessert.

Autor: Owen Paterson
  Everyone , Go , Out , Dessert

I did though at least expect him to correct the false statements he made when he was trying to protect the Presidency. Instead, he talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert.

Autor: Monica Lewinsky
  Just , Trying , Expect , Dessert

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