Frases sobre 'Desires'
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My maternal desires are fully satisfied with my dogs.
Autor: Elisabetta CanalisSatisfied , Dogs , Desires , Maternal
I don't have much of a bucket list. I don't have a lot of needs and desires.
Autor: Fred DeLucaNeeds , List , Desires , Bucket
Intellects whose desires have outstripped their understanding.
Autor: Friedrich August von HayekUnderstanding , Desires , Whose
Teens in the '90s had the same basic desires as they do now.
Autor: Jay AsherNow , Same , Basic , Desires
When the soul is understood and attended to, we can be liberated from hurry, preoccupation, unsatisfied desires, and chronic discontent.
Autor: John OrtbergSoul , Understood , Desires , Hurry
Each man has his own desires; all do not possess the same inclinations.
Autor: PersiusOwn , Man , Same , Desires
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.
Autor: Sócrates - Filósofo griego.Come , Hate , Deepest , Desires
Folly enlarges men's desires while it lessens their capacities.
Autor: Robert SouthMen , While , Desires , Folly
Only he who desires is amiable and not he who is satiated.
Autor: Thomas Mann - Escritor alemán.He , Who , Only , Desires
The moguls are driven by their respective desires for profit - period.
Autor: Todd GitlinPeriod , Driven , Desires , Profit