Frases sobre 'Current'

Advertencia: Recopilamos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. No nos hacemos responsables de ningún contenido o información incorrecta o poco precisa relacionada con las frases que recopilamos en nuestra web. Frases famosas, proverbios, frases cortas, frases de niños. Frases de amistad, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivación, reflexión, superación, vida y mucho más. Nuestro único objetivo es ofrecerte estas frases como inspiración para que puedas hacer dedicatorias únicas, expresar tus pensamientos y emociones o compartir en tus redes sociales. Disfruta de nuestro contenido.

I'm not really a current events guy, sadly.

Autor: Erik Griffin
  Really , Guy , Events , Current

The poetical language of an age should be the current language heightened.

Autor: Gerard Manley Hopkins
  Age , Language , Should , Current

If this ice melts in Greenland it can shut down the Gulf Current.

Autor: Jay Inslee
  Down , Ice , Shut , Current

Our current energy policy is bankrupt.

Autor: Jim Costa
  Energy , Our , Policy , Current

The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and '62.

Autor: John Engler
  Written , Constitution , Michigan , Current

It is a fact that governments tend to put in place policies and strategies in response to current scenarios.

Autor: Julie Bishop
  Place , Fact , Response , Current

You have to stay current to compete.

Autor: Linda Johnson Rice
  You , Stay , Compete , Current

I have always tried to stay current.

Autor: Rick Baker
  Always , Stay , Tried , Current

In the current climate, we live in a pessimistic and non-idealistic world.

Autor: Emilio Estevez
  World , Live , Climate , Current

It's important to stay current and fresh.

Autor: Luis Fonsi
  Important , Stay , Fresh , Current

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