Frases sobre 'Curiosity'

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I have a natural curiosity about the world, and I just love to talk.

Autor: Danielle Campbell
  Love , World , Curiosity , Talk

Intellectual curiosity drove Einstein to some of the world's most important discoveries.

Autor: Gordon Gee
  World , Important , Some , Curiosity

The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.

Autor: Irving Langmuir
  Science , Truth , Desire , Curiosity

Encourage your own curiosity; pursue the problems based on that. Don't get diverted by trying to do things for your own advancement. In other words, don't be lured into responding to incentives.

Autor: James Mirrlees
  Words , Problems , Trying , Curiosity

I have always had a sense of curiosity and aspiration.

Autor: Waris Ahluwalia
  Always , Sense , Curiosity , Aspiration

Hack fiction exploits curiosity without really satisfying it or making connections between it and anything else in the world.

Autor: Vincent Canby
  World , Without , Curiosity , Connections

Curiosity does, no less than devotion, pilgrims make.

Autor: Abraham Cowley
  Than , Make , Curiosity , Devotion

If one has curiosity, then one stands the chance of attain a high level of scientific inquiry.

Autor: Ada Yonath
  High , Chance , Curiosity , Level

I don't remember being a child, and that's why I think I'm so child-like now in my unending curiosity and approach to life.

Autor: Marianne Wiggins
  Life , Remember , Curiosity , Child

Human curiosity, the urge to know, is a powerful force and is perhaps the best secret weapon of all in the struggle to unravel the workings of the natural world.

Autor: Aaron Klug
  World , Best , Struggle , Curiosity

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