Frases sobre 'Confusion'

Advertencia: Recopilamos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. No nos hacemos responsables de ningún contenido o información incorrecta o poco precisa relacionada con las frases que recopilamos en nuestra web. Frases famosas, proverbios, frases cortas, frases de niños. Frases de amistad, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivación, reflexión, superación, vida y mucho más. Nuestro único objetivo es ofrecerte estas frases como inspiración para que puedas hacer dedicatorias únicas, expresar tus pensamientos y emociones o compartir en tus redes sociales. Disfruta de nuestro contenido.

Towards four o'clock, the rebels felt strong enough to take the offensive. A brigade with a battery under Earle managed to strike the Federal right on the flank and rear and throw it into utter confusion, which spread rapidly along the whole front. Now came the disastrous end.

Autor: Henry Villard
  End , Enough , Strong , Confusion

Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds.

Autor: George Santayana - Filósofo y escritor español.
  Name , Minds , Chaos , Confusion

We need above all, I think, a certain remoteness from urban confusion.

Autor: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
  Need , Think , Urban , Confusion

And I believe that it becomes a troubled continent because there are those who must always cause confusion so that we do not keep these natural resources.

Autor: Miriam Makeba
  Always , Believe , I Believe , Confusion

It is still not enough for language to have clarity and content... it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter to babble and from babble to confusion.

Autor: Rene Daumal
  Content , Language , Enough , Confusion

Acting is a form of confusion.

Autor: Tallulah Bankhead - Actriz estadounidense.
  Form , Acting , Confusion

Confusion of sign and object is original sin coeval with the word.

Autor: Willard Van Orman Quine
  Word , Sin , Original , Confusion

There is nothing clever about confusion.

Autor: William Wyler
  About , Nothing , Clever , Confusion

The mere attempt to examine my own confusion would consume volumes.

Autor: James Agee
  Own , My Own , Attempt , Confusion

I personally have a background of many days on end of confusion, understimulation, overstimulation, and uncomfortableness with the world around me.

Autor: Mary Lynn Rajskub
  Me , World , End , Confusion

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