Frases sobre 'Commerce'

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Online commerce is being replaced by mobile.

Autor: Dan Schulman
  Being , Online , Mobile , Commerce

Kiss is not a charity. Never, ever mix commerce and charity.

Autor: Gene Simmons
  Never , Kiss , Commerce , Charity

Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.

Autor: James A. Garfield
  Money , Master , Country , Commerce

I'm a firm believer in the circle of commerce.

Autor: Joy Mangano
  Believer , Commerce , Circle , Firm

With commerce comes fraud.

Autor: Nathan Blecharczyk
  Fraud , Commerce

My goal is to ensure the Northern Border is safe, secure and allows for the free flow of travel and commerce.

Autor: Rick Larsen
  Free , Travel , Commerce , Flow

Money is the best rule of commerce.

Autor: William Petty
  Money , Best , Finance , Commerce

The very fact that women now form about one-fifth of the employes in manufacture and commerce in this country has opened a vast field of industrial legislation directly affecting women as wage-earners.

Autor: Florence Kelley
  Women , Now , Country , Commerce

To the extent that these advanced weapons or their components are treated as articles of commerce, perhaps for peaceful uses as in the Plowshare program, their cost would be well within the resources available to many large private organizations.

Autor: Herman Kahn
  Well , Within , Peaceful , Commerce

We pay for the navy, and we have no commerce for the navy to protect; we pay for the army, and we loathe and execrate the work upon which it has been engaged.

Autor: John Edward Redmond
  Work , Army , Navy , Commerce

Websites don't have to be complicated