Frases sobre 'Choose'

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Virginians can choose to continue to elect criminal, illegal aliens like MS-13 - and by the way, they are animals - or, we can arrest them, deport them back to the countries where they came from, and build the wall!

Autor: Corey Stewart
  Back , Way , Build , Choose

You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.

Autor: Joan Baez - Militar y escritor británico.
  You , Live , Die , Choose

Bombs do not choose. They will hit everything.

Autor: Nikita Khrushchev
  Everything , Will , Choose , Hit

First of all, you needed a budget to do the video. The record companies would pick and choose who got videos.

Autor: Nina Blackwood
  You , Choose , Budget , Videos

In each verse, a decision awaits us, and we can't choose to close our eyes and let instinct work on its own. Poetic instinct consists of an alert tension.

Autor: Octavio Paz - Poeta y ensayista mexicano.
  Work , Eyes , Decision , Choose

When confronted with two alternatives, life and death, one is to choose death without hesitation.

Autor: Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  Life , Death , Choose , Life And Death

It would have shown people that I was prepared to do that kind of work, although I find myself in a position now where I don't really need to and I could pick and choose the kind of characters I'd like to do.

Autor: Garth Ennis
  Myself , People , Work , Choose

'That which does not kill me makes me stronger' is not a law of the universe. What it can be, if we so choose, is a resolution.

Autor: Julian Baggini
  Me , Universe , Law , Choose

Now, with a click of a button, one has access to amazing content across a wide plethora to choose from; hence, traditional filmmakers will have to evolve in order to cater to the palate of the newly empowered end consumer or perish.

Autor: Pooja Bhatt
  Will , End , Amazing , Choose

My theory on politics is no one really knows how it works, so I choose not to comment on stuff too outside of my league.

Autor: Kyle Kinane
  Politics , How , Outside , Choose

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