Frases sobre 'Censorship'

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The prime goal of censorship is to promote ignorance, whether it is done via lying and bowdlerized school texts or by attacking individual books.

Autor: Felice Picano
  Done , School , Ignorance , Censorship

I mean, believe me, I'm not for censorship.

Autor: Joe Mantegna
  Me , Believe , Mean , Censorship

The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.

Autor: John Perry Barlow
  Internet , Technology , Around , Censorship

An unread author is an author who is a victim of the worst kind of censorship, indifference - a censorship more effective than the Ecclesiastical Index.

Autor: Octavio Paz - Poeta y ensayista mexicano.
  More , Worst , Victim , Censorship

Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.

Autor: Potter Stewart
  Society , Confidence , Lack , Censorship

You seldom get a censorship attempt from a 14-year-old boy. It's the adults who get upset.

Autor: Robert Cormier
  You , Boy , Upset , Censorship

The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.

Autor: Tom Smothers
  Ideas , People , Listen , Censorship

One thing that success has taught me is censorship.

Autor: Tracey Emin
  Me , Success , One Thing , Censorship

I'm very much interested in music specifically and wanted to make a film about it, but not in an atmosphere of censorship.

Autor: Bahman Ghobadi
  Music , Make , Atmosphere , Censorship

The only place we were really told to tone it down - where other people would use the word censorship, but I wouldn't - was when we did MTV right after the Beavis and Butt-head thing.

Autor: Penn Jillette
  People , Down , Place , Censorship

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