Frases sobre 'Cell Phone'

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If you just hold your cell phone for 30 seconds and think backwards through its production, you have the entire techno-industrial culture wrapped up there. You can't have that device without everything that goes with it.

Autor: Douglas Tompkins
  You , Culture , Phone , Cell Phone

For me personally, the technology that has taken the most unexpected turn in my lifetime is what I refer to as 'the device formerly known as the cell phone.' I still remember many predictions that by 2000 there would only be about a million cell phone users. Boy, were they ever wrong!

Autor: Padmasree Warrior
  Me , Remember , Technology , Cell Phone

If an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want. Phone number, email, user id, cell phone handset id (IMEI), and so on - it's all the same.

Autor: Edward Snowden
  Want , Results , Phone , Cell Phone

I've never owned a cell phone and don't plan on ever having one. If anyone needs to talk to me, they know where I live.

Autor: Phil Robertson
  Me , Know , Phone , Cell Phone

It's sad that the cell phone is replacing the watch as a time-telling device. I wear a vintage watch that's really skinny.

Autor: Thom Browne
  Sad , Phone , Vintage , Cell Phone

Uber is efficiency with elegance on top. That's why I buy an iPhone instead of an average cell phone, why I go to a nice restaurant and pay a little bit more. It's for the experience.

Autor: Travis Kalanick
  Experience , Nice , Restaurant , Cell Phone

Further ahead, I'd like to see tiny spacebots - smaller than your cell phone - travel outside our solar system to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. By keeping the mass of those spacebots low, we could more easily accelerate them.

Autor: Debra Fischer
  See , Travel , Phone , Cell Phone

From Noah Baumbach, I learned to have a strict no cell phone policy on set. There is nothing that bums you out more than looking over and seeing somebody on their smartphone, and that goes for actors and everyone else.

Autor: Greta Gerwig
  You , Looking , Phone , Cell Phone

I like 1977 because it is more primitive. If it were modern day, like one Universal guy was like wouldn't they just use their cell phone? I guess he did not read that it was 1977 in the script.

Autor: Rob Zombie
  Day , Like , Phone , Cell Phone

I had a normal upbringing and went to public school. If I ever, even for a second, started getting a big head, I was brought back to reality pretty quickly. I was working full time and still had to fight for a cell phone.

Autor: Mila Kunis
  Time , School , Fight , Cell Phone

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