Frases sobre 'Beyond'

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The amount of suffering I've seen is beyond belief. The amount of inequality is beyond belief.

Autor: David Hogg
  Seen , Suffering , Beyond , Inequality

When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - it's beyond belief.

Autor: Eve Best
  You , Being , Human Being , Beyond

My sister and I did not have our own rooms, or even a place to ourselves. In the living room, beyond the two windows, was a little corner where my books were kept, and other thing - my watercolors and so on. Often I had to imagine the things I needed. I learned very early to read amidst noise.

Autor: Günter Grass - Escritor alemán.
  Own , Place , Sister , Beyond

This is appalling. The idea that a person could be punished because of their religious belief and the idea they might be executed is just beyond belief.

Autor: John Howard
  Just , Person , Belief , Beyond

Politics has become beyond acceptable when it comes to humanity. People are just frozen in falsehood.

Autor: Richard Dreyfuss
  People , Politics , Humanity , Beyond

All architects want to live beyond their deaths.

Autor: Philip Johnson
  Want , Live , Death , Beyond

The Moon and Mars were the two most likely candidates for life in the solar system; what exists beyond our solar system is mere guesswork.

Autor: Walter Lang
  Life , Two , Beyond , Moon

I'm a huge horror movie fan. Beyond belief.

Autor: Abigail Breslin
  Horror , Belief , Fan , Beyond

What lots of people have been trying to do ever since is find what's beyond the current Standard Model. So far, it has stood impervious to all attacks.

Autor: Burton Richter
  People , Find , Trying , Beyond

Theorists can create all sorts of theories which go beyond the Standard Model. But there's not one bit of experimental evidence to point out which way you should go.

Autor: Burton Richter
  You , Way , Go , Beyond

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