Frases sobre 'Bend'
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I want to still be able to garden while I can bend over.
Autor: Barbara BushWant , I Can , Garden , Bend
You have to split, bend over backward, touch our toe to our heads to get recognized.
Autor: Monique ColemanYou , Touch , Over , Bend
My novels about medieval Wales were set in unexplored terrain; my readers did not know what lay around every bend in the road.
Autor: Sharon Kay PenmanKnow , About , Road , Bend
Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
Autor: William Congreve - Dramaturgo británico.Music , Rocks , Savage , Bend
Never bend the rules. You bend the rules a little bit and then it's a slippery slope.
Autor: Thomas PeterffyYou , Never , Rules , Bend
Compared with U.S. cities, Japanese cities bend over backward to help foreigners. The countryside is another matter.
Autor: Charles C. MannHelp , Matter , Countryside , Bend
I got injured at the Olympic Trials in 2000. I could not jump. I could not walk on my leg properly. I couldn't bend my knee. I couldn't straighten it.
Autor: Dominique MoceanuWalk , Jump , Trials , Bend
I knew my body could take the battle of everyday training and take the battle of falls and bending in ways that bodies really shouldn't bend.
Autor: Kaetlyn OsmondBody , Training , Battle , Bend