Frases sobre 'Bathroom'
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It's actually one of the hardest things for trans people, is to go to the bathroom.
Autor: Amy LandeckerPeople , Go , Things , Bathroom
The angle we give the bathroom mirror is always meant to flatter.
Autor: Jonathan MilesAlways , Give , Mirror , Bathroom
Every bathroom in my house will ultimately have a Toto bidet in it.
Autor: Ken MarinoWill , House , Every , Bathroom
If I ever buy a house and redo the bathroom, I'm putting urinals in there.
Autor: Lamorne MorrisEver , House , Buy , Bathroom
There's a lot involved in going to the bathroom for women.
Autor: Leah ReminiWomen , Going , Involved , Bathroom
I would rather sleep in a bathroom than in another hotel.
Autor: Billy Wilder - Director, guionista y productor de cine de origenThan , Sleep , Hotel , Bathroom
I grew up with six brothers. That's how I learned to dance - waiting for the bathroom.
Autor: Bob Hope - Actor cómico estadounidense (Leslie Townes Hope, llamado).Waiting , Dance , How , Bathroom
I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I live in a 950-square-foot apartment with one bathroom and two sons.
Autor: Judy GoldTwo , Live , Side , Bathroom
Once, I lived in an apartment with a skylight in the bathroom. Every winter, it would snow through the skyline, but we got a discount because of it.
Autor: Jim ParsonsThrough , Winter , Snow , Bathroom