Frases sobre 'Automation'
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When the manufacturing decline began in earnest in 2001, the main culprits were the offshoring of jobs to China, with which we have no trade deal, and automation.
Autor: William M. DaleyTrade , China , Manufacturing , Automation
Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks.
Autor: Amber RuddDriving , Automation , Decline , Tasks
I couldn't tell you in any detail how my computer works. I use it with a layer of automation.
Autor: Conrad WolframYou , Tell , Detail , Automation
Automation will significantly change many people's lives in ways that may be painful and enduring.
Autor: Moshe VardiPeople , Will , Change , Automation
Increasingly, the work we do is enabled more and more by new IT, including automation, robotics, and intelligent platforms.
Autor: Pierre NantermeNew , Work , Intelligent , Automation
All in all, I don't think robots and greater automation can bring about a utopian world as I imagined it would as a kid 50 years ago.
Autor: Stanley DruckenmillerWorld , Think , Robots , Automation
I think the automation of vision is a much bigger deal than the invention of perspective.
Autor: Trevor PaglenThink , Perspective , Vision , Automation
What is happening with automation and globalization, that's not going away.
Autor: Campbell BrownAway , Going , Automation , Globalization
If cheap immigrant labor is made unavailable, employers can hire Americans at a higher wage, or replace low-wage immigrant workers with technology and automation, which will create a smaller number of skilled jobs for Americans.
Autor: Jan C. TingWill , Technology , Automation , Immigrant
People at the very top of the income scale also benefited from globalization and automation. But the income of working- and middle-class people in the developed world has stagnated.
Autor: Moshe VardiPeople , World , Automation , Globalization