Frases sobre 'Army'

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Napoleon's plan was for his army to arrive in Egypt not as conquerors but liberators. Landing in Aboukir Bay on July 1, 1798, the French captured Alexandria the next day, overcoming the surprised Mamelukes - the despotic local rulers - with a combination of modern artillery and infantry tactics.

Autor: Tom Reiss
  Day , Army , Egypt , Overcoming

I went to school on a military base in Germany. I got a lot of my clothes at the army surplus store.

Autor: Debby Ryan
  School , Army , Clothes , Military

In August 1945, a former Army pilot with an artificial leg pitched five and a third innings for Washington against Boston. This would turn out to be Bert Shepard's only major league game, and it remains one of the heartwarming moments in baseball history.

Autor: George Vecsey
  Game , History , Army , Moments

I will forever be thankful to the Malawians and international community, and my professional army and army general, who said: 'No, we will follow the constitution.' That's why I'm here.

Autor: Joyce Banda
  Community , Army , Thankful , Constitution

Indecision is a virus that can run through an army and destroy its will to win or even to survive.

Autor: Wendell Mayes
  Will , Win , Army , Survive

The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq. However, the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help, but he's pretty sure that last time he checked, Canada had no army.

Autor: Conan O'Brien
  Time , War , Army , Government

In the army, we do two things every day. We train our soldiers, and then we grow them into leaders, because frankly, we don't hire out. We grow our own leaders.

Autor: Eric Shinseki
  Day , Every Day , Grow , Army

'Wicked Nights' is the story of Zacharel, the new leader of the Army of Disgrace - heavenly warriors in danger of falling from grace - and Annabelle, a human who has spent the last four years locked in an institution for the criminally insane.

Autor: Gena Showalter
  New , Grace , Army , Leader

Most of the services staff is for the larger corporations, not so much for small and medium businesses because they cannot afford an extensive services army.

Autor: Kevin Rollins
  Because , Cannot , Army , Small

In those days, reserve duty lasted for six years, which, I might add, was three times as long as service in the regular army, although to be perfectly honest, I was unable to fulfill my entire obligation because I was taking acting classes and they said I could skip my last year.

Autor: Larry David
  Long , Army , Service , Duty

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