Frases sobre 'Angel'

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I've had an angel on my shoulder all my life.

Autor: Barbara Hale
  Life , My Life , Shoulder , Angel

To me, Garth, he's kind of like my guardian angel. It's like every time I need some help, he's there.

Autor: Chris LeDoux
  Help , Me , Time , Angel

I like to think I play rugby as it should be played - there are no yellow or red cards in my collection - but I cannot say I'm an angel.

Autor: Jonny Wilkinson
  Think , Red , Angel , Yellow

Angel was the first Irish feature film. Neil's first movie and my first movie.

Autor: Stephen Rea
  First , Film , Angel , Irish

What is 'cool,' anyway? Maybe it's Warne Marsh, almost totally obscure and penniless, coming in late to a fourth-rate Hollywood nightclub, playing like an angel with a couple of sidemen, but never speaking to or even acknowledging another human being.

Autor: Carolyn See
  Never , Cool , Late , Angel

We played hard and we partied hard. I'm not ashamed of that. I was no angel - I did some things I shouldn't have done, lived a lifestyle I shouldn't have lived. I had a blast at times; other times, I probably compromised my job, my duty to do my job, to be ready as a professional.

Autor: David Cone
  Job , Professional , Lifestyle , Angel

Was I in a nativity play? I think I was an angel; I was a very blonde child, so I tended to get typecast. I have a vague memory of wearing wings.

Autor: Hannah Murray
  Memory , Child , Angel , Wings

'Empire of Self' is a loving portrait of a very difficult man. Jay Parini, himself a gifted novelist, poet and biographer, has gone very deep into the 'black energy' of Gore Vidal's relentless narcissism and megalomania. Parini envisions an epic battle between Vidal's angelic and demonic sides, yet there's very little of the angel in Vidal.

Autor: Jerome Charyn
  Black , Man , Self , Angel

People across the country think I'm jealous of my dear, beloved, sweet, angel sister. But there is no-o-o-o jea-ea-ea- lou-ou-ou-ou-sy-y-y-y. I love her too much.

Autor: Reggie Miller
  Love , People , Jealous , Angel

I have a thing about angels. I believe in them. I feel like I have a guardian angel. I think everybody has one.

Autor: Sheryl Lee
  Feel , Think , Believe , Angel

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