Phrase by 'Skrillex'

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I don't do much press. I don't like to talk about my music too much before I do it.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Music , Like , Too Much , Talk

With 'Bangarang,' I didn't make any announcement, no campaign. I just put it on my Facebook and some other places. That's how I've done everything with my previous records. I've always kept it organic.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Everything , Always , Done , Some

Hip-hop and electronic music are so similar, in the fact that they're both very visceral, have so much bass; a lot of times, it's the same tempos. The culture and some of the sound design is different but a lot of times, it's the same stuff.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Music , Culture , Sound , Design

I like doing things in a very minimal, unconventional way as a personal way of saying, 'Look, I made a career out of carefully and craftfully, though unconventionally, making records on laptops and blown speakers.'

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Look , Doing , Way , Saying

I'm always on tour, so I'm always trying new tracks out live before they're released. That's more necessity than anything, because I don't get a proper chance to sit in a studio and work on tracks like other producers do.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  New , Work , Live , Chance

I was never really a DJ... I just kinda figured it all out at once as I started to tour. I was making music and producing and I just had to start to DJ as I got more into touring.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Music , Never , Start , DJ

I seem to spend a minimum of eight hours a day in transit of some sort or another... that's eight hours of your life gone. People always ask if I suffer from jet lag, but it's kinda become really normal for me... Although the jet lag does become a factor and you're pretty much always tired.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Life , Me , Day , Tired

I don't like being overexposed. I don't like being on covers. And I don't like people talking about me.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Me , People , Like , Talking

I prefer the gloominess to the sun. I don't know why.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Know , Why , Sun , Prefer

I don't think I'll be remembered in a big Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin way. I think I'll be remembered in this way: by the people who were there, who can't capture or explain it. I'm not trying to brag or anything. It's not about me. It's about facilitating a good time for everyone.

Author: Skrillex - American Musician
  Me , People , Time , Good

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