Phrase by 'Padgett Powell'

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I've had an addiction for a long time to the whole business of maximizing one's potential, what I call human activation. The vehicle for actualizing oneself is choice, options, seeking out the proper choices.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Time , Long , Business , Long Time

In my experience, great reviews almost always ensure no sales.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Always , Great , Experience , Sales

I think William Trevor is as good as it gets. Whenever I want a book to do exactly what it says it will, I read him.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Book , Think , Will , Good

I've sat down and written with a more or less supportable or insupportable idea or thing to say, and it ends. When it's not 200 pages, people want to call it a story. I guess they're entitled to do that. In my view, if it were a supportable idea, it would have gone 200 pages, and it didn't.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  People , View , Story , Down

All this is rather pretentious and fey to even talk about, but Flannery O'Connor sat down to write stories. The rest of us, some of us, don't have that kind of wit and genius. We don't do that. We sit down and have some accidents.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Down , Rest , Genius , Accidents

I don't write with a scheme or a plan. I write word to word, so whatever that first sentence is, having said that, one more or less had to say what comes next and next and next. Guilty of no cogitation or forethought.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Say , Said , Guilty , Plan

I stuff animals I find; I do roadkill. They're strangely fun to have. They're like easy-to-control pets.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Like , Find , Fun , Animals

Every other year, I was the new boy. I found that the only way to survive was to embrace it, make a little fortress on the outside and to pretend to blend in but not to invest too much because you'll be somewhere else next year.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  You , New , Way , Boy

I met Donald Barthelme when I was 30, and it's fair to say that before that moment, I was pre-modern, and after I met him, I was nudged rather forcefully towards this other end of the spectrum.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Moment , Say , End , Fair

They got into fact checking at the 'Paris Review,' and it was mortifying. There was a wrangle about Hemingway's lost stories that nearly killed me. It turns out he didn't lose those stories. They weren't stolen from the platform.

Author: Padgett Powell - American Novelist
  Me , Lost , Lose , Paris

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