Phrase by 'Nikola Tesla'

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We wind a simple ring of iron with coils; we establish the connections to the generator, and with wonder and delight we note the effects of strange forces which we bring into play, which allow us to transform, to transmit and direct energy at will.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Energy , Simple , Wind , Strange

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Work , Truth , Future , Present

There is no doubt that some plant food, such as oatmeal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechanical and mental performance. Such food, moreover, taxes our digestive organs decidedly less, and, in making us more contented and sociable, produces an amount of good difficult to estimate.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Good , Food , Performance , Plant

The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Think , Today , Must , Insane

The harness of waterfalls is the most economical method known for drawing energy from the sun.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Energy , Most , Drawing , Sun

I constructed a laboratory in the neighborhood of Pike's Peak. The conditions in the pure air of the Colorado Mountains proved extremely favorable for my experiments, and the results were most gratifying to me.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Me , Mountains , Results , Pure

The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Me , Space , Feeling , Greeting

There is no conflict between the ideal of religion and the ideal of science, but science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Me , Science , Man , Religion

I myself eschew all stimulants. I also practically abstain from meat.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Myself , Also , Meat , Abstain

The spread of civilisation may be likened to a fire; first, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power.

Author: Nikola Tesla - Inventor
  Power , Fire , Speed , Flame

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