Phrase by 'Mitch Daniels'

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I refer, of course, to the debts our nation has amassed for itself over decades of indulgence. It is the new Red Menace, this time consisting of ink. We can debate its origins endlessly and search for villains on ideological grounds, but the reality is pure arithmetic.

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Time , Reality , Red , Debate

We believe it wrong ever to take a dollar from a free citizen without a very necessary public purpose, because each such taking diminishes the freedom to spend that dollar as its owner would prefer.

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Freedom , Free , Believe , Purpose

No enterprise, small or large, public or private, can remain self-governing, let alone successful, so deeply in hock to others as we are about to be.

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Others , Successful , Alone , Small

Our morbidly obese federal government needs not just behavior modification but bariatric surgery.

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Just , Behavior , Government , Needs

We are tasked to rebuild not just a damaged economy, and a debt-ridden balance sheet, but to do so by drawing forth the best that is in our fellow citizens. If we would summon the best from Americans, we must assume the best about them. If we don't believe in Americans, who will?

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Best , Believe , Balance , Drawing

We Hoosiers hold to some quaint notions. Some might say we 'cling' to them, though not out of fear or ignorance. We believe in paying our bills. We have kept our state in the black throughout the recent unpleasantness, while cutting rather than raising taxes, by practicing an old tribal ritual - we spend less money than we take in.

Author: Mitch Daniels - American Politician
  Black , Money , Fear , Believe

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