Phrase by 'Mahmoud Abbas'

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We expect President Bush to implement his own vision of a two-state solution, the birth of the Palestinian State and the ending of the occupation that started in 1967.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Own , Solution , Vision , Ending

We have accepted the principle of democracy and we are committed to respect the popular verdict and the result of that national consultation.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Respect , Result , Democracy , Principle

We need international support so that our people live a life of normality, of dignity, of liberty and freedom. I hope that our cry for freedom may be heard.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Life , People , Freedom , Hope

There is a requirement to ensure the withdrawal takes place in a civilized manner. We will be able to show the world we deserve independence and freedom.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  World , Freedom , Place , Independence

We have one authority and one law and everyone has the responsibility to follow that law and that authority.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Everyone , Responsibility , Law , Follow

We have agreed with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to cease all acts of violence against the Israelis and against the Palestinians wherever they are. Tranquility and quiet that will be witnessed and in our land, starting today, is the beginning for a new era.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  New , Beginning , Today , Violence

We differ on several issues. And this may include settlement, the release of prisoners, the wall closing institutions in Jerusalem.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Jerusalem , May , Closing , Release

Let us all pledge to protect this opportunity in order to see that the wish of peace becomes a true and daily fact in this region.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  True , Peace , Opportunity , Daily

And also I assert our interest in respecting all our obligations and implementing all our commitments. And will save no effort whatever to protect this newborn opportunity of peace, that is provided through what we have already declared here today.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  Effort , Today , Peace , Opportunity

The PLO and the Palestinian people adhere to the renouncement of violence and rejection and condemning of terrorism in all its forms, especially State terrorism, and adhere to all agreements signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel.

Author: Mahmoud Abbas - Palestinian Statesman
  People , Violence , Terrorism , Rejection

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