Phrase by 'M. Stanton Evans'

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When you get older, two things happen to you. You begin to lose your hearing, and I forget what the other one is.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  You , Forget , Lose , Things Happen

I've written a lot of books in my time, and to write a book about Joe McCarthy and have some of the major media paying attention, I'm not used to that.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Time , Book , Attention , Media

Every congressional committee that does an investigation has documents, papers and things that it collects in the course of that investigation - the backup to everything it does.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Everything , Things , Does , Committee

Annie Lee Moss was a black woman who worked for the Army as a code clerk in the Pentagon. She was identified by an undercover agent of the FBI as a member of the Communist Party. Moss denied it, the Democrats sprang to her defense, and she has been treated ever since as an innocent victim of McCarthy.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Black , Innocent , Woman , Army

The trouble with conservatives is that too many of them come to Washington thinking they are going to drain the swamp, only to discover that Washington is a hot tub.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Thinking , Only , Trouble , Hot

When 'our people' get to the point where they can do us some good, they stop being 'our people.'

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  People , Good , Us , Stop

It is fast becoming an article of political faith that financing America's public schools by way of the local property tax is a shame and a civic scandal.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  America , Political , Way , Faith

The demand that school finances be transferred away from local school districts to the state and/or federal government has been a long-time favorite of the educationist lobbies.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  School , Away , Favorite , Government

If inequalities of taxable wealth backing up a government service are construed as denying equality before the law, then there is no solution but to have every government service whatever financed out of Washington.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Equality , Service , Law , Government

Containment, as everyone will recall, was a rough plan for stopping the Communists any time they crossed a certain line dividing our half of the world from theirs.

Author: M. Stanton Evans - American Journalist
  Time , Everyone , World , Will

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