Phrase by 'Loretta Lynch'
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We don't talk about the timing of open matters, but I certainly agree with the FBI director that in every investigation, no matter whom it involves, we are thorough, we are fair, we are efficient, and we move through the facts and the evidence and come to the conclusions that are called upon.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantMatter , Talk , Facts , Timing
It's a great thing to live in a digital age. It's convenient; it's fast.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantLive , Great , Age , Digital
Instead of turning away from our neighbors, our friends, our colleagues, let us instead learn from our history and avoid repeating the mistakes of our past.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantFriends , Past , History , Colleagues
To the extent residency preferences prevent families and senior citizens from purchasing homes because of race, ethnicity or color, the preferences violate federal law and cannot be tolerated.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantRace , Color , Law , Ethnicity
Those who store, package, and sell the food we serve our families have a responsibility to maintain basic standards of cleanliness in their facilities.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantWho , Responsibility , Food , Cleanliness
I think that overall, the position - on a whole host of issues - should always be toward inclusion and equality.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantAlways , Think , Equality , Inclusion
Certainly, by providing individuals coming out of institutions with ways to become productive citizens, we reduce recidivism. What that means is we reduce crime. There are fewer victims when individuals have options - when they have job skills, when they have life skills, we break the cycle of children following their parents into institutions.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantLife , Children , Parents , Job
What matters is that there is somewhere for those who are troubled, threatened or afraid to turn to in their darkest hour. What matters is that there are those who are willing and able to use the law as an instrument of inclusion, of protection, and of freedom.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantFreedom , Law , Turn , Inclusion
We have determined as a society, as a country, as a people, that the incarceration and the supervision and the specific fines for a particular crime are that person's debt to society.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantPeople , Society , Person , Country
I find that people want aggressive policing if they as a community feel they are part of it. They don't want aggressive policing if they feel it's being imposed upon them and they are a target.
Author: Loretta Lynch - American Public ServantPeople , Want , Feel , Community