Phrase by 'Jim Cantalupo'
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The markets where we've got real good presence are the older, more mature markets like Australia, and Western Europe - where we've only got 6,000 stores, compared to the US with 13,000.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanGood , Real , Australia , Mature
We have very specific rules about how we go to market with children, and I think they are very responsible.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanChildren , Think , Go , Rules
When you raise prices, you've got to make sure you get it to the bottom line. You can fritter it away because of the way you're running the business, with maybe not a totally disciplined approach.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanYou , Way , Business , Line
When you're doing that you lose your focus on the discipline of the business, and how you train people at Hamburger University, and everybody gets on a bigger, different vision, and they're not on the same page.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanYou , People , Business , Discipline
I talked about 12 to 18 months, and that's about reaffirming our foundation for sustained growth: getting the discipline back, getting the basics right, getting the customer focus back... so by the end of next year, I hope most of that's in place.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanFocus , Hope , Growth , Discipline
I think this year we'll open up 900 gross, we're closing some, so the net count is lower, but the 900 are spread all over the place. Some of the closures are relocations, where you're moving it to another place in the marketplace.
Author: Jim Cantalupo - American BusinessmanYou , Think , Place , Moving