Phrase by 'Jeffrey Jones'

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A lot of the reasons why something is a favorite thing are all things you don't necessarily see, the place, the people, the time, where you are, what it meant to you at the time.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  You , People , Time , Place

And from my character's point-of-view in Ravenous, he had been collected by Robert Carlyle's character, he had become infected by this ravenous, cannibalistic power, and he was making the best of it.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Best , Character , Become , Power

But it's true, it's nothing new that decisions about what movies are to be made, and how they're to be made, and who's to be hired to do what, and whether you hire somebody to do their job, or whether you hire somebody to fill a position and you tell them what to do.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  You , True , Movies , Job

Certainly Amadeus because it was a very powerful time for me, we filmed it in the Czech Republic at a time of lots of social and political change going on in that part of the world.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Me , Time , World , Change

Every actor wants to have a character that changes, that has some kind of movement, that gets from point A to point B, that doesn't just supply one note.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Just , Some , Character , Changes

I got a phone call from Douglas Campbell and from Jerome Guthrie, who offered me a job out of the blue.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Me , Job , Blue , Phone Call

I just hope that some of the movies I'm in are still welcome years from now.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Welcome , Some , Movies , Hope

I know a lot of people who are very good at their craft who have learned - people behind the camera - who really have a lot to offer because they know what they're doing, they know what to do, they've made their mistakes.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  People , Good , Camera , Mistakes

I only know from my own personal experience, and I personally feel that there's a cyclical nature to things, so you don't want to start making generalizations about how bad things have become in comparison to the old days.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  You , Feel , Experience , Nature

I think the same way about theatre, you go out there and you are creating a world for a moment that can actually have a real impact on people, present some kind of story that gives you something to think about when you walk away, feeling enriched - if it works out well.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  You , People , Moment , Walk

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