Phrases about 'Uncertainty'
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The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
Author: Erich Fromm - American PsychologistMan , Search , Meaning , Uncertainty
The uncertainty principle refers to the degree of indeterminateness in the possible present knowledge of the simultaneous values of various quantities with which the quantum theory deals; it does not restrict, for example, the exactness of a position measurement alone or a velocity measurement alone.
Author: Werner Heisenberg - German PhysicistKnowledge , Alone , Present , Uncertainty
For all of its uncertainty, we cannot flee the future.
Author: Barbara Jordan - American PoliticianFuture , Cannot , Uncertainty , We Cannot
All good art, to me, is uncertainty.
Author: Dave Davies - British MusicianMe , Good , Art , Uncertainty
Quantum mechanics brought an unexpected fuzziness into physics because of quantum uncertainty, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Author: Edward Witten - American MathematicianPhysics , Unexpected , Uncertainty
In these times of uncertainty for paper-based currency, I feel more secure in holding gold.
Author: John Paulson - American BusinessmanMore , Feel , Gold , Uncertainty
The basic fault lines today are not between people with different beliefs but between people who hold these beliefs with an element of uncertainty and people who hold these beliefs with a pretense of certitude.
Author: Peter L. Berger - Austrian SociologistPeople , Today , Lines , Uncertainty
My prospects for life, though in a measure shaded with uncertainty, hardship and danger, are very animating and bright. My prospects for another life, blessed be God, are still brighter.
Author: Adoniram Judson - American ClergymanLife , God , Blessed , Uncertainty
When the Soul that is sprung from God's Word and Will is entered into its own desire to will of itself, it will run in mere uncertainty till it return to its Original again.
Author: Jakob Bohme - German TheologianWill , God , Soul , Uncertainty
There's an interesting trend that occurs in times of mounting pressure and high uncertainty, which is that it's a natural human tendency to seek out people that agree with us, that are similar to us because it's a source of comfort in a world that's so rapidly changing.
Author: John Hagel III - American BusinessmanPeople , World , Pressure , Uncertainty