Phrases about 'News'

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Over and over again-in the movie, I have nine different people who have worked for Fox News network who have come forward and talked on camera, three of them anonymously, by the way.

Author: Robert Greenwald - American Director
  People , Way , Camera , News

I think I brush the surface of being involved politically with the issues and the personalities in the news.

Author: Constance Zimmer - American Actress
  Being , Think , I Think , News

The latest wrinkle is on wrinkles. There is a widespread belief that women can't grow old in television news.

Author: Jessica Savitch - American Journalist
  Grow , Women , News , Television

Even though mother's issues are not front page news, they touch us all personally, some more than others, and I believe passionately in the power of grassroots engagement.

Author: Joan Blades - American Businesswoman
  News , Power , Believe , Mother

If you're not competitive, if you're not out to make a mark, you shouldn't be in the news business.

Author: Katy Tur - American Journalist
  You , Business , News , Out

I have to watch the news or my day is not complete.

Author: Patricia Clarkson - American Actress
  Day , News , Watch , Complete

People are playing games on their TV, young men are, and people are shopping... they are not watching their news channels, but they are using their TVs for other things.

Author: Rupert Murdoch - American Publisher
  People , Men , News , Shopping

The whole idea of television news or any kind of news is to inform people about things they need to know about.

Author: Ted Turner - American Businessman
  People , Know , News , Television

The chief characteristic of 'The Tribune' under Greeley was an aggressive and even ostentatious purity. 'Immoral and degrading police reports,' and any notices of the existence of the theater, whether in news or advertising, were at first scrupulously excluded.

Author: Elmer Davis - American Journalist
  News , Police , Aggressive , Advertising

Art usually only makes the news in America when the subject is money.

Author: Jerry Saltz - American Critic
  Money , America , Art , News

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