Phrases about 'Head'

Warning: We collect thousands of phrases from different public resources. We are not responsible for any incorrect content or inaccurately information related to the phrases we collect on our website. Famous phrases, proverbs, short phrases, phrases from kids. Phrases about friendship, love, cinema, family, humor, motivation, mindfullness, improvement, life and much more. Our only goal is to offer you these phrases as an inspiration so that you can make unique dedications, express your thoughts and emotions or share on your social networks. Enjoy our content.

I once hit Quentin on the head with my ball and chain.

Author: Chiaki Kuriyama - Japanese Actress
  Head , Hit , Ball , Chain

Between my head and my hand, there is always the face of death.

Author: Francis Picabia - French Artist
  Always , Head , Death , Face

It's very easy for a writer to spend much too much time in her head.

Author: Naomi Alderman - English Novelist
  Time , Easy , Too Much , Head

No-one but me gets into my head.

Author: Oleksandr Usyk - Ukrainian Athlete
  Me , Head , Gets , No-One

If you hit a midget on the head with a stick, he turns into 40 gold coins.

Author: Patton Oswalt - American Comedian
  You , He , Gold , Head

Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there.

Author: Peter Hall - British Director
  You , Like , Position , Head

I've been fortunate to come on places where the question isn't why did I do it? The question to me is always, why didn't anybody else do it before me? Those are the ones that I scratch my head about.

Author: Todd McFarlane - Canadian Artist
  Me , Always , Why , Head

Every animated film that I've worked on - whether it was as a story artist or as Head of Story or even as director - where we originally started out with our story and where we eventually ended up were often very different places.

Author: Kelly Asbury - American Director
  Story , Head , Artist , Director

At great, great remove sit the head of General Electric, the head of News Corp, the head of Viacom, or the head of this giant international corporation that wants these ratings.

Author: Norman Lear - American Producer
  Great , Sit , News , Head

I wanted control over what was said and what was not said, rather than holding my head down in shame.

Author: Rebecca Loos - English Celebrity
  Down , Head , Said , Control

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