Phrases about 'Different'

Warning: We collect thousands of phrases from different public resources. We are not responsible for any incorrect content or inaccurately information related to the phrases we collect on our website. Famous phrases, proverbs, short phrases, phrases from kids. Phrases about friendship, love, cinema, family, humor, motivation, mindfullness, improvement, life and much more. Our only goal is to offer you these phrases as an inspiration so that you can make unique dedications, express your thoughts and emotions or share on your social networks. Enjoy our content.

We cannot pretend that reality is different from what it is.

Author: Adolfo Aguilar Zinser - Mexican Diplomat
  Reality , Cannot , Different , Pretend

Well, my brother was a schizophrenic, so I understood it in a different way from seeing my brother.

Author: Jeffrey Jones - American Actor
  Way , Seeing , Different , Brother

Everybody has different ways of playing the game.

Author: K. L. Rahul - Indian Athlete
  Everybody , Game , Different , Playing

Marriage is not different from a relationship.

Author: Katharine Ross - American Actress
  Marriage , Relationship , Different

I think there's kind of a comfortability with me onstage - and I think my cool factor is not having one. I'm not extra cool or extra different.

Author: Luke Combs - American Musician
  Me , Think , Cool , Different

I think all writers are different. I've been with a few writers; they're all different.

Author: Rene Russo - American Actress
  Think , I Think , Been , Different

I moved around 13 different times before I was in fifth grade, not having money, not having a lot of friends.

Author: Tonya Harding - American Athlete
  Friends , Money , Having , Different

Robert Mitchum sounded different from John Wayne, and John Wayne sounded different from Clark Gable.

Author: Billy West - American Actor
  Different , John , John Wayne , Robert

I write screenplays that don't get made and pilots that don't get picked up, and I re-write other people's movies, and those are all different kinds of fees.

Author: Bruce Vilanch - American Comedian
  People , Up , Movies , Different

I like working with different directors; it keeps you on your toes.

Author: Chaske Spencer - American Actor
  You , Your , Like , Different

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