Kids Phrases

Warning: We collect thousands of phrases from different public resources. We are not responsible for any incorrect content or inaccurately information related to the phrases we collect on our website. Famous phrases, proverbs, short phrases, phrases from kids. Phrases about friendship, love, cinema, family, humor, motivation, mindfullness, improvement, life and much more. Our only goal is to offer you these phrases as an inspiration so that you can make unique dedications, express your thoughts and emotions or share on your social networks. Enjoy our content.

Alejandro took money from his father every day from his wallet. One day his father caught him and asked: "What are you doing? Are you robbing me?" Alejandro replied: "I'm not stealing it, I'm finding it ".

  Money , Robbing

Eva's father asked her: "Do you want to start school?" The girl replied: “No.” “And why?” Her father insisted. Eva said: “Because they give us homework and then they don't pay us or anything”.

  Humor , School

Pablo came home from class one day and, very happy, he said to his mother: "Mom, I know what balls are called; they told me at school! They are called tentacles!"

  Humor , School

Lupe is 5 years old, she was having dinner at her grandparents' house and there was ratatouille with eggs, which she doesn't like at all. She did not want to eat it but her father insists that she has to eat it: "the things that you do not like must also be eaten." In the end, she reluctantly eats it and when she finishes, her grandmother tells her: "Lupe, you dinner very well so tomorrow I'm going to make you whatever you want to eat, what do you want, chips?", To which Lupe responds: "No grandma, I want you to do something my father doesn't like!"

  Grandparents , Kids , Eggs , Ratatouille

One day, talking about the things that each animal gave, Charlie said: "Sheep give wool, cows give milk, and pigs give the sausages that are their shit"

  Animals , Kids , Pigs , Shit

One day Sara, 5 years old, says to her father: "Dad, when you and Mommy got married, was I there?" And her father answers: "No daughter, you came later", to which Sara replies: "Oh of course, to the wedding party"

  Wedding , Party

Luis's mother asked him: "Don't go!" And he exclaimed: "No, if I don't go!"

  Kids , Humour

Clara was with her mother at the entrance to the cinema. It was Christmas, full of people and her mother was holding her hand. Suddenly the girl said to her: "Mommy, please take me in your arms because here I only see legs"

  Humor , Cinema , Kids

One day Sara was trying to put on her shoes by herself, and she asked her mother: "Which foot is this on?" Her mother replied: "In this one." And the girl said: "Okay. Don't tell me the other one!"

  Humor , Shoes , Kids

One day, talking about her teacher Carmen, Martina said: "Carmen is so good, so good ... It's like ... She looks like... a fried potato!"

  Humor , Teacher , Kids

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